Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 2 Virgingia Beach

Day 2 5/20/09 Virginia Beach
What level of nakedness are we okay with on this trip?- David Day 2
Well ladies and gentleman we found out the answer to that question today. When you have thirty people needing to change clothes, use showers, and try to just get through the day and limited bathroom space. You find yourself just dropping your drawers and hitting the YMCA with the best of them. I really didn’t have too much of a problem with it, all the steams in Alaska kind of prepped me for this trip. This coupled with prevention techiniques against chafing kind of opened the group up to discuss things not generally discussed in your normal everyday company. We ended the day with a couple of “Butt’erfly” creations and I believe we have achieved a new level of comfort with each other.
Well today we had a rather packed schedule, I seemed to be in the throes of jet lag, and woke up around 5 in the morning. Although this gives me ample time to write, I would kind of like to get on a normal sleeping schedule so I will be able to function as the rides become more strenuous. Today we had our first shake-down ride to see how our bikes handled and to try and get comfortable riding around in a group. This was my first ride with the bike and I had to get used to these new type of pedals that you actually clip your shoes and become attached to the bicycle. This helps increase your pedaling power, however it poses a problem, you have to a special move to get out of your pedals by twisiting your ankles, and if you fail to do so you can lose your balance and fall slowmotion-like with your bike onto the pavement. It hasn’t happened to me yet, however I feel my time will come, one slip up is all you need to fall. The ride was completed wqith a few detours and wrong turns but everyone made it back goodhumored and excited for what the trip will hold for us. Prior to riding I was quite anxious, it seems a little absurd, but I was thinking in my head, “Man alive how am I going to complete this ride” I kind of psyched myself out and there turned out to be little reason for it. We got to go through the scenic military base, and I have never heard so many fighter jets in my life. They are loud and almos tall conversation ceases when they fly overhead.
I am learning a bunch of things about bike maintenance and also one of our leaders, Brian, is really serious about photography, and he is kind of showing me the ropes on my camera. Which is kind of neat I was thinking I might have to sign up for a class to properly learn how to use it but he was able to provide me with a pretty informative rundown on how things like shutters, apertures, and ISO’s work. As well as some of the functions on my camera. Thanks to him I should have some snazzier photos coming on the way.
We had a good meeting with the church members in Virginia Beach and I got to learn a little bit more about how the building part of our bike and buil trip works. I think I could really get into talking to people and just finding out about them.
We are going to try and get up early tomorrow to catch the sunrise on the Atlantic, I may just stay up. This jet lag things has to work its way out of my system, I think it will eventually, happen. We have a forty-five mile ride into Suffolk, facing us tomorrow and I am pretty excited. Today we just got a taste, tomorrow will probably be more of a light lunch in terms of riding distances. Til next time guys and gals!


Unknown said...

Hey Mark -- sounds like your trip is off to a great start. Have fun on your first 45mile leg!! Can't wait to see your pictures. KEEP BLOGGING -- can't wait to hear more!

Lots of Love from the Paul Broz's :)

Unknown said...

Hey Mark -- sounds like your trip is off to a great start. Have fun on your first 45mile leg!! Can't wait to see your pictures. KEEP BLOGGING -- can't wait to hear more!

Lots of Love from the Paul Broz's :)

Tony said...

Man alive, I'm enjoying reading along, Mark.

If you're hooked into blogspot with a Google account, it will be easy to use Picasa for photo uploading and posting to the blog. Just click on "Photos" at the top of your Gmail and go from there.

Get me some info about Charlottesville! I should have some time. or get me on facebook.
