Sunday, April 27, 2008

You never know if its a stop sign...

Hanging out in Quinhagak this weekend with the youth group. I have to admit I am enjoying myself immensely, it took a while to get out here, about an hour and half waiting at the the landing strip for a plane that turned out not to be coming. But once we finally arrived things have been on the up and up. Quinhagak has mountains! Something virtually unknown in Kipnuk, it doesn't look like I will get a chance to admire them up close though so some pictures I snap from afar shall have to suffice. I also had the pleasure of walking on a road made out of gravel. While walking with my students one of them stopped by a turned over yellow little kids plastic chair thats was knocked down. I gave him an inquiring look and he shrugged and simply stated "You never know if it is a stop sign." I was struck by this on a couple of levels, the initial one being the concept that a yellow chair could be used for a stop sign. Then the thoughtful consideration put forward in adjusting the environment to aid an unknown other. This is a rarity out here, and its occurrence caused me to stop and think. How many signs do we pass by, simple actions, which if taken could potentially benefit an unknown other? The over turning of a little yellow chair could have an import consequence if it is indeed a stop sign. But stopping for what, traffic, to think, who knows what the unintended consequences of such an action will bring. (Maybe even the extra umph required for me to start a blog) However as we continue to progress through our days no matter our walks of life, keep your eye out for "stop" signs.

1 comment:

Carey said...

Hey Broz!
I loved what you advised Kale about tended fire vs. uncontrolled fire. So true!

This made me have to go to your blog & see what else you have to say. I noticed that you posted about Quin. I used to live there. :-)

As I suspected you have something else that rang true. I received some not so pleasant news today. I've started to become upset about it. Thanks for reminding me to get over it. This has to be a sign for a necessary change.
