Monday, January 5, 2009

Back in AK

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, New's Years Resolution #1 try to keep this blog updated, it has been gasping through the last months. I am trying to get myself into full swing out here and I am going to see how this next week turns out. I am home, water froze inside my house and my door required the use of a blowtorch to gain entry. I am finding myself a bit overwhelmed at the moment, I need to find something that will help me gain a handle on the events out here, some kind of perspective. I haven't been taking as much time to reflect as I should and I wonder if I am getting a little out of practice. I helped Noah gather scraps for the steam today and one of the"scraps" was a massive wooden box that wouldnt fit into the sled, it could only rest on the top sides of the sled. We were without the use of rope so I manuvered the scraps and stuck a 2x4 so it stand straight up in the air and pushed the box up against it. There was no way it was going to stay there balancing by itself, so I had to ride on top of the scraps putting my weight against the box balancing it on the 2x4. The snowmachine lurched to life and every hill and valley caused me to adjust the pressure I placed on the block. I had my back to the snowmachine unaware of what would come next. As I tried to keep the box steady I was being knocked about by the scraps underneath, muscles tense to maintain my position. The last stretch when we were at the Maqii the sled tilted up at an angle and it was too much it fell off. I stumbled after it, and was relieved that we were right at our destination. I suppose thats what I could be looking at right now folks. Not sure where I am going, trying to get this listing senseless box of bush education balanced, while bureucratic scraps kick me in the shins. It seemed inevitable that I was going to fall, however it was at our final destination that everything came apart. Close enough... I don't know guys I have heard that counts in two games horse shoes and hand grenades. I am wondering if I going to steam tonight or just fall asleep, I am beat. Until tomorrow Ladies and Gentlemen.


Autosmiler said...

But Mark, your previous posts were so optimistic; don't let a couple cases of fallen scraps and frozen locks get you down. :-) You've got filtered water now and you're 10x the teacher now than ever before! It's just the post-vocation lull that gets everyone.

Autosmiler said...

I tried to email you but it didn't work, so here's my message:

Hi Mark!
I just read thru several of your blog posts. I didn't know you kept one till tonight when I poked around your Facebook page because I forgot which airline to check for flights to Kipnuk. I navigated my way to Ann's pictures and found Hageland. Based on your blog, it sounds like you're quite busy out there. Let me know if it's still OK that I try to visit you sometime in February, and when is a good time. And what I should bring with me for you and/or your students. :-) Thanks!!!