Friday, June 20, 2008

Wizard's apprentice....

Ladies and Gentlemen, the past couple of weeks have been turbulent ones, dealing with the personal loss of a grandparent, mixed with the joy of seeing relatives long overdue. Throughout it all though, I have been going to my old highschool and sitting in a summer school class observing one of the most influential teachers I have had at work. It is refreshing the energy he brings into the classroom, and to see his students reciprocate. Discussions in the classroom are at an incredible level and the students seem willing to take it to any height. While participating in this class I am able to see a master at work with his craft, 18 years in the making, noticing subtle changes that surprised even myself given the last time I heard him teach was five years ago. There is something here, something colleges play down, especially education colleges, all the stress put on classroom management and distancing oneself from the students. By focusing intensely on rules and expected behaviors it almost conveys to students that you, the teacher, don't trust them enough to behave on their own volition. If you have to fall back on the structure of the school's rules you take a situation between you and the student, and you pass the buck on for someone else to deal with. It almost boils down to the Machiavellian concepts of whether or not it is better to be feared or loved as a teacher. Due to all the law suits and limited funding there is a severe push from schools to veer away from the loved aspect because that could get "messy." Instead they err on the side of being feared at the cost of really connecting and motivating their students. I have to admit that over these last weeks I have seen the beginnings of a class falling into Machiavellian love with the teacher and it is a remarkable environment. Where a teacher can simply request a change in behavior if needed and the students respond not because they are forced to with punishment, but because they care enough about the teacher to abide by his wishes. It was incredibly powerful to observe and I have this image of what type of teacher I would like to strive towards to become. These influential teachers I have had, have become models for me to try and meld into the professional I would like to be. I have ways to go, but I think I am a little more aware of how to get there, at least some of the initial steps. One of the pleasant outcomes of these two weeks is that I finally have encountered not just a professional goal I will strive to obtain, but it can also work as a fitting title for my blog. I would like to be a "Sage on the Stage" a thoroughly knowledgeable teacher who is able to perform classes and keep them entertained while simultaneously educating them. I have seen it done, and been on the receiving end of such an education and it was incredible, I can only hope to recreate the same experiences in my classroom. The craziest part about this whole period was that it all came about from an email about going out to lunch sometime and it grew into this opportunity for immense professional improvement. Keep your old contacts alive ladies and gentlemen, you would be surprised with all that can happen if they are rekindled.

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