Sunday, May 18, 2008

Prettiest Flowers

Ladies and Gentlemen, the day is finally upon me to try and put together everything I have learned about singing Yup'ik into a presentation at the Church this Sunday. I have been practicing, however my pronunciation is kind of up in the air. To give you guys a sample of what it looks like I will try transcribing it for you.

Prettiest Flowers will be Blooming (Yup'ik)

Nunatangkertok Tangniktlutingtlu Nautsitare Pairusvigkamtnik
Unguva Nangkan Nantsumetnaitnaktsekuktlu Akwharpak
Kelagme Tankigtsilngorme

Asinkukatsagait Nautsitat Nauluting
Tumyarakigtarat Awataitni
Tangnilkilriatlu Napa Utakauk
Akirtlainam Nerpemtsaniantlune
Aturarluta Naskerutirluta
Nunapagme Tlarpem Inglukngaitlke
Atorpagtsekukut Angilattlu
Tsanianetlu Unguamkwegtane

Kilagme Tamen Tokulriartangkirngaitok Nanekuanarkitlrianik
Petaitsekuk Nunakaugoktlu Kinkutlirkaulune
Narniktlutingtlu Nautsitare


Pairtsugyakamkin Tauni Kuigem Tsaniani Ekuktlisngailgomtlu
Unuakaune Wetankigtsiarkaulutatlu Akwharpak


It is quite a bit and actually the chorus is a duet piece which I hope my students will help me with as I thank the village out here for a warm welcome and accepting me into their homes and community this year. Just a handful of days left, and so much yet to do, grading, packing, cleaning, I approach these tasks with mixed emotions of missing Kipnuk for two months, and the anticipation of meeting old friends back home. The prettiest flowers will be blooming soon, an optimistic outlook on life to come, I might have to stick that in my back pocket for a rainy day...

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